Logo: N.A.
Name: GigaCommunis
Ticker Symbol: N.A.
Network: Ethereum
Contract Address: 0x947203E20813e4f7757fb2304fd1E34eDC3c4FF9
Purpose: gCOMM is developed as wrapping contract for COMM token. Every 1e9 COMM token equals one gCOMM token.
Project URL: https://app.hexpay.day/1/communis/giga
Project social media: N.A.
Contract Source Code: Link
Audit(s): NIL
This is a complete review of the Giga Communis smart contract project based on the available code in https://etherscan.io/address/0x947203e20813e4f7757fb2304fd1e34edc3c4ff9#code.
Even though the code is simple, I would advise anyone that is reading this document to also look at other reviews and analysis of the contract! Some issues or security concerns might not be covered here due to my lack of knowledge and understanding, so getting a second opinion is a good thing to keep in mind! This review is based on the deployed version of the code.
The GigaCommunis smart contract was developed to act as a wrapping contract for the COMM token (I assume so user have to deal with a lower amount of token units). It provides functionality for minting (wrapping), burning (unwrapping) and trimming tokens. It also incorporates safety measures to handle excess balances and prevent potential issues.
It inherits from two OpenZeppelin contracts:
These are widely used for creating ERC-20 tokens. They provide basic token functionality, and the ability to receive and execute a batch of function calls in a single transaction. The contract itself is very simple and has barely any functionality.
The Constructor, on deployment, initializes the contract with the name “Giga Communis” and symbol “gCOMM“.
The contract has no owner-only functions or special privileges, and the total supply is purely dependent on the amount of COMM tokens locked into the contract, acting like a wrapped version of it.
The contract also allows for the recovery of any unintended tokens sent to the contract via the trim function by any address which is a great feature most contracts don’t have.
No bugs or other security risks were found, and the code looks to be functioning as intended!
Economically, one can speculate that its value will be based on the COMM tokens value but that is beyond the scope of this review.