VII. Bonus Classes

“Single Share” Holders Hold >/=69,000 B9 Tokens (1 Share)

“Mighty 690” Holders Hold >/=690,000 B9 Tokens (10 Shares + 1 Additional Share = 11 Shares)

In the case that Holders’ amounts exceed necessary thresholds to qualify as a given Bonus Class, it may serve the Holder to send any overage into a new wallet. This action will potentially qualify for additional Bonus Share(s).

For example: If a Holder has one wallet, containing 140,000 B9 Tokens, they will qualify for only ONE SHARE, while a Holder of 69,000 B9 Tokens in two separate wallets (138,000 total tokens, total), will qualify for TWO SHARES.

Bonus Class Holders are determined via snapshot at an arbitrary time, prior to the Official Announcement of Claim. The B9 Team only warrants to make “best efforts” to determine eligible Bonus Class Holders by use of the block explorer and other tools available.

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